Friday, September 20, 2024

myths and legends and oral folklore from Mount Isarog

Bicol is surely a treasure trove of Oral mythology filled my magical creatures and awesome beings. Mount Isarog the highest mountain in Bicol is one of the places where myths and legends can be found, like all oral mythology there are many versions and variations of these stories, folklore and myths. 

Mount Isarog in Bicol is steeped in rich mythology, with numerous legends passed down through generations. One of the most captivating stories involves the Sadab Tree, a magical and dangerous tree said to have been planted by the Creator to protect the sacred springs that flow from the mountain. The tree is unlike any other, with the ability to extend its branches and roots, using them as weapons to ward off intruders. It is also highly poisonous, and the locals believe that anyone—human or animal—who walks under its shadow will perish. Over the years, many have claimed to see skeletons beneath its vast, spreading branches, making the tree both feared and respected.

The Sadab Tree is guarded by fierce Lambana, a type of small winged fairy, but these are not the gentle, playful fairies often found in other stories. Instead, these Lambana are vicious and incredibly fast, acting as fierce protectors of the tree and the springs. The people of Mount Isarog believe that the tree and its protectors safeguard the waters from human desecration. If the springs are abused, the punishment would be a devastating flood that could wipe out the villages around the mountain.

But not all of the spirits on Mount Isarog are dangerous. There are also stories of good Lambana, fairies that help those who are lost. These Lambana can change their size at will, sometimes appearing as small, glowing winged beings and other times transforming into beautiful maidens or handsome men. They guide and protect respectful visitors, often appearing as tiny lights like fireflies, flickering in the forest twilight.

Hikers and locals alike tell tales of seeing these glowing lights darting through the trees, catching glimpses of colorful wings in the dappled sunlight. While encounters with these Lambana are rare, they are always filled with a sense of wonder and the sacredness of the mountain.

In addition to the tree and its guardians, there is a fearsome bird called the Lunggawe, which is said to be the only creature able to perch on the poisonous branches of the Sadab Tree. The Lunggawe is known for its enormous size and strength, with claws as tough as the outer shell of a coconut. According to legend, it snatches calves and stallions from nearby farms for food, striking fear into those who live near the mountain.

Mount Isarog is not only home to these mythical creatures like the Sadab tree, the lambanas and the Lunggawe but also surrounded by countless other legends involving kapres, duendes, diwatas, and other enchanted beings. This mountain holds a special place in Bicolano mythology, making it a mystical and revered site filled with ancient stories of awe and mystery.

The Magical Tree of Sadab and the vicious lambanas

Puno ng Sadab

One of the most famous legends surrounding Mount Isarog is the story of the Tree of Sadab, a colossal, magical tree believed to have been planted by the Creator to protect the life-giving springs flowing down the mountain. The tree is described as the largest among all trees in the dense forests of Isarog, with its vast branches spanning over one square kilometer. Unlike an ordinary tree, the Tree of Sadab is imbued with extraordinary powers, such as the ability to extend and move its branches and roots at will, using them as both weapons and tools of defense.

This tree is not just a passive guardian of the springs; it is said to be highly dangerous. The locals speak of its venomous nature, with its shadow being fatal to all who enter it—humans and animals alike. Numerous skeletons are reportedly scattered beneath its thick, sprawling branches, a testament to its lethal presence. The Sadab Tree is not only alive but fiercely protective of the sacred springs, ensuring that they remain unspoiled by human greed or carelessness.

The tree’s protection is further enhanced by its guardians: small but vicious Lambana fairies. Unlike the gentle and whimsical fairies often found in other folklore, these Lambana are swift, aggressive, and deadly. They are incredibly fast and use their speed to strike down anyone who attempts to harm the tree or disturb the water sources. These winged protectors are fierce defenders of the mountain’s purity and are feared by those who know of their existence.


The Role of the Springs

In the local belief system, the springs that flow from Mount Isarog are vital sources of life for the surrounding communities. These water sources are considered sacred, and the Tree of Sadab, along with its vicious Lambana protectors, plays a key role in preserving their sanctity. The people of the region believe that if the springs are desecrated—whether by pollution, overuse, or disrespect—disaster will befall those who live around the mountain. This calamity is often described as a great flood that will destroy the villages, drowning the offenders as a divine punishment.

This belief underlines the deep respect the Bicolanos have for nature, especially the resources provided by Mount Isarog. The myths surrounding the mountain are not merely stories of supernatural creatures but serve as moral lessons on the importance of environmental stewardship and the consequences of exploitation.


The Lunggawe: Guardian of the Tree

Another fascinating element of the Sadab Tree myth is the Lunggawe, a gigantic bird said to be the only creature capable of perching on the tree’s venomous branches. Described as a massive bird with claws as tough as the outer shell of a coconut, the Lunggawe is feared for its habit of snatching calves and stallions from farms at the foot of the mountain. The bird is seen as a formidable predator, adding yet another layer of danger to the already perilous forest surrounding Mount Isarog.

The Lunggawe’s presence in the myth emphasizes the theme of Mount Isarog being a realm of untamed and powerful forces. The bird is a symbol of the wild and uncontrollable aspects of nature, further reinforcing the idea that the mountain and its inhabitants are not to be trifled with.

Benevolent Lambana: Guides and Protectors of the Lost

While the Lambana  are the small winged fairies who protect the Sadab Tree are vicious and deadly, other myths speak of a different kind of Lambana—benevolent fairies who help those in need. These fairies are said to guide lost travelers through the dense forests of Mount Isarog, offering them protection and safe passage. These Lambana are described as beautiful and elusive, with the ability to change their size at will. At times, they appear as small, glowing, winged creatures, flickering like fireflies in the twilight. At other times, they take on human forms—transforming into stunning maidens or handsome men to interact with mortals.


Unlike their fierce counterparts, these Lambana are kind and helpful, only revealing themselves to those who respect the forest and its sacredness. Those who approach with ill intent or fail to honor the mountain’s spiritual significance will never see them. Hikers who have been fortunate enough to encounter these fairies describe seeing tiny glowing lights darting through the underbrush or catching glimpses of their colorful forms dancing among the treetops. These rare encounters inspire awe and reinforce the belief that Mount Isarog is a sacred place, filled with otherworldly protectors.


The Broader Mythology of Mount Isarog

Mount Isarog is not only home to the Sadab Tree, Lunggawe, and Lambana(fairies) ; it is also a place where countless other mythical beings are believed to reside. The mountain is said to be inhabited by duende (dwarfs), diwata (nature spirits), and other supernatural entities that interact with the people of the region. These beings are often seen as guardians of the land, protecting the mountain’s natural resources from those who seek to exploit them.

The myths and legends of Mount Isarog reflect the deep connection between the people of Bicol and the natural world. The stories serve as cautionary tales, teaching the importance of respecting nature and living in harmony with the environment. 

so many myths and legends even today 

The stories of mount Isarog has so much to offer from hidden Japanese treasures, to Kapre, duendes and others.. Thats the fun thing about folklore 

Mount Isarog symbolizes both the beauty and danger of nature. It's a place where the physical and spiritual worlds overlap, and those who explore its depths might encounter forces beyond their understanding. It remains a source of wonder and reverence for the Bicolano people.

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