Sunday, September 1, 2024




The Hanagob is a type of Aswang that is considered pure blood and royalty. The Hanagob being pure blood aswang can have the potential to be Aring Aswang The other names for the "Haring Aswang" (Aswang King) are "Pinunong Aswang" (Aswang Leader), "Ama" (Father), "Supremo" (Supreme Leader), and "Apo" (Elder).

Hanagob Aswang

Pinunong Aswang – The Pinunong Aswang or Hanagob, also called the Nunong Aswang or Haring Aswang, is considered the highest-ranking male aswang. The bloodline of the aswang kings is extremely pure, descending from ancient aswang. In the olden days, they might have been comparable to rajahs or datus, but instead of ruling over humans, they govern common aswang, awok, kiwig,asbo,tiktik,wakwak and other creatures of darkness, who serve and reside under their authority.



The Hanagob in oral mythology and folklore as well in modern stories, they are referred to as "Haring Aswang" or "Supremo." These supreme aswang lead aswang clans. They are also called "Ama" or "Apo." They appear human but can transform into monsters at will. They are stronger and more savage than ordinary aswang. These aswang are born from pure blood, descended from aswang ancestors. They can be compared to the datus of ancient times. The Pinunong Aswang is obeyed by common aswang within their group or tribe.

Hanagob o Haring Aswang

Hanagob o Haring Aswang



The orally transmitted mythology of the Philippines is intended for sharing and understanding, should not be taken literally. not for appropriation, commercial exploitation, or the promotion of foreigners and foreign products. It is a dynamic narrative tradition that evolves over time, distinct from the standardized mythologies found in Western and European cultures. Unlike these established mythologies, the Philippine government has not mandated standardized versions of stories and legends. 

Orally transmitted stories undergo variations and evolve over time, resulting in numerous different versions. There are many different version told by Filipinos,and retold by Filipinos. Support Local story tellers

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