Monday, September 2, 2024





The Bangkilan is a type of Aswang fabled for their beauty and ferocity and shape-shifting abilities, present in oral mythology and  folklore all over from Visayas to Bicol most prominent stories agree they are situated in Palawan


The Bangkilan: A Unique and High-Ranking Aswang

Among the different kinds of aswang, the Bangkilan is considered one of the most powerful and high-ranking variants. Unlike most aswangs, who carry a single black stone (mutya) that they must pass on before they die, the Bangkilan is unique in that she harbors multiple black pearls and chicks inside her body. This ability allows her to generate more black stones and successors without needing to face death. As a result, the Bangkilan is an exceptional aswang who can continuously pass on her dark powers without the traditional limitations faced by others of her kind. The Bangkilan can also transform into different creatures of the night such a huge black boar, dog, bird ect. her ability to transform humans into different breeds of aswang, such as kiwing, awok, abat, asbo, and abwak.


The Bangkilan's Powers and Characteristics

During the day, the Bangkilan either disguises herself as a huge black boar or as a beautiful maiden, seamlessly blending into human society. Her charm and beauty make her appear harmless, allowing her to move unnoticed among people. However, in her aswang form, even though she retains her beautiful maiden-like appearance, she becomes far more deadly. The Bangkilan's hands transform into sharp claws, capable of cutting and killing her prey with ease. Additionally, she sports small bat wings on her back, which allow her to move swiftly and silently through the night sky. These wings enable fast flight, making her a highly effective and elusive predator. 

This duality of beauty and terror is a key feature of the Bangkilan. She can lure unsuspecting victims with her appearance while simultaneously harnessing her monstrous abilities to hunt them down. Her ability to shapeshift into various terrifying creatures remains, but her hybrid form as a beautiful maiden with deadly claws and wings is particularly feared because of the deceptive nature of her appearance.


The multiple black pearls and chicks within her body symbolize her extraordinary level of power. These pearls serve as a reservoir of dark energy, allowing the Bangkilan to continue her terrifying legacy indefinitely. In contrast to ordinary aswangs, who must transfer their mutya to a successor and perish soon after, the Bangkilan can produce new chicks and stones, giving her the unique ability to prolong her life and influence.


Role and Status Among Aswang

The Bangkilan holds a high status in the aswang hierarchy, feared and respected by other types of aswang. Her ability to command and dominate other aswang, especially those considered weaker (Kiwig, Awok,Motog,Abwak), makes her a dangerous and influential figure in the supernatural world. The presence of multiple black pearls also grants her additional strength, speed, and cunning, making her nearly unstoppable. Bangkilan are important because they can make humans into other types of Aswang.



Bangkilan kontra Gabunan

In folklore Bangkilan is portrayed as natural enemies of the Gabunan .The Gabunan, an apex predator among aswangs, tales often depict Gabunans as dark-skinned, fierce creatures with a taste for consuming other types of aswangs. This trait makes them the natural enemies of the Bangkilan, as they hunt and devour the black pearls and chicks that reside within these powerful aswangs. 

With her capacity to command, manipulate, and reproduce her powers indefinitely, and with her hybrid form of beauty and terror, the Bangkilan stands as one of the most feared and respected aswang—a figure whose existence is shrouded in legend and terror.


The orally transmitted mythology of the Philippines is intended for sharing and understanding, not for appropriation, commercial exploitation, or the promotion of foreigners and foreign products. It is a dynamic narrative tradition that evolves over time, distinct from the standardized mythologies found in Western and European cultures. Unlike these established mythologies, the Philippine government has not mandated standardized versions of stories and legends.

Orally transmitted stories undergo variations and evolve over time, resulting in numerous different versions. There are many different version told by Filipinos,and retold by Filipinos.

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