Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Understanding and Addressing Foreign Harassment of Philippine Mythology Bloggers


In the digital age, the online space has become a battleground for the clash of cultures, beliefs, and opinions. Unfortunately, this clash sometimes takes on a more sinister form when foreigners shame and harass bloggers or individuals whose views on Philippine mythology do not align with their own. This phenomenon is driven by several factors, each reflecting deeper societal issues and power dynamics.

One significant factor is cultural arrogance. Some foreigners harbor a sense of cultural superiority or entitlement, leading them to believe that their perspectives are inherently superior to those of others. This arrogance breeds intolerance towards differing views, particularly when they challenge or contradict their own beliefs. Such individuals may view Philippine mythology through a lens of cultural condescension, dismissing indigenous beliefs as primitive or inferior.

what is mythology ? what is Philippine mythology ?

Mythology refers to a collection of traditional stories, legends, and beliefs that are passed down through generations within a particular culture or society. These stories often serve to explain natural phenomena, the origins of the world, the actions and characteristics of gods and heroes, and moral lessons. Mythology plays a significant role in shaping the cultural identity, values, and beliefs of a community.

Philippine mythology, specifically, refers to the body of myths and legends originating from the Philippines, an archipelago in Southeast Asia. It encompasses a rich and diverse array of stories that have been orally transmitted across generations. Philippine mythology reflects the cultural heritage of the Filipino people, blending indigenous beliefs with influences from various cultural and religious traditions, including indigenous animism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity.

notable aspect of Philippine mythology is its regional diversity, with different regions and ethnic groups often having their own unique myths and legends. For example, the creation myth of the Tagalogs may differ from that of the Visayans or the Igorots. Despite this diversity, certain themes and motifs recur throughout Philippine mythology, reflecting shared cultural values and beliefs.

Some foreigners may shame and harass bloggers or individuals whose views on Philippine mythology do not align with their own due to various factors, including:

  1. Cultural arrogance: Some foreigners may possess a sense of cultural superiority or entitlement, leading them to believe that their perspectives are inherently superior to those of others. This arrogance can manifest as intolerance towards differing views, particularly when they challenge or contradict their own beliefs.

  2. Colonial mentality
    : Historical colonial influences have left a legacy of power imbalances and cultural subjugation in many parts of the world, including the Philippines. Some foreigners may unconsciously perpetuate this colonial mentality by seeking dominance over Filipino people and attempting to impose their own worldviews and standards.

  3. Ignorance and misunderstanding: Lack of understanding or familiarity with Philippine culture, history, and mythology can lead to misconceptions and prejudices. Foreigners who are ignorant of the complexities and nuances of Philippine mythology may react defensively or dismissively when confronted with alternative perspectives.

  1. Internet anonymity and echo chambers: The anonymity and distance afforded by online platforms can embolden individuals to express opinions and behaviors they might not exhibit in face-to-face interactions. In addition, social media algorithms can create echo chambers where like-minded individuals reinforce each other's beliefs, leading to hostility towards dissenting viewpoints.

  1. Assertion of power and control: Some individuals may derive a sense of power and control from belittling or harassing others, particularly if they perceive them as being vulnerable or marginalized. This assertion of dominance can be fueled by prejudices or insecurities and may manifest in various forms of online harassment.

Another factor at play is the colonial mentality ingrained in global society, particularly among those from former colonial powers. Historical colonial influences have left a legacy of power imbalances and cultural subjugation in many parts of the world, including the Philippines. Some foreigners may unconsciously perpetuate this colonial mentality by seeking dominance over Filipino people and attempting to impose their own worldviews and standards. This mentality often leads to a dismissal or denigration of indigenous cultures and beliefs.

Ignorance and misunderstanding also play a significant role in fueling harassment and shaming. Many foreigners lack understanding or familiarity with Philippine culture, history, and mythology, leading to misconceptions and prejudices. When confronted with alternative perspectives on Philippine mythology, these individuals may react defensively or dismissively due to their ignorance of the complexities and nuances of the subject matter. This lack of understanding exacerbates tensions and prevents constructive dialogue.

The anonymity and distance provided by online platforms exacerbate the problem. Internet anonymity emboldens individuals to express opinions and behaviors they might not exhibit in face-to-face interactions. Social media algorithms further compound the issue by creating echo chambers where like-minded individuals reinforce each other's beliefs, leading to hostility towards dissenting viewpoints. In such environments, harassment and shaming become normalized, perpetuating a cycle of toxicity.

Moreover, some individuals derive a sense of power and control from belittling or harassing others. This assertion of dominance is particularly pronounced when the targets are perceived as vulnerable or marginalized. Whether driven by prejudices or insecurities, this behavior reflects broader societal issues related to power dynamics and social hierarchies.

To address this issue, individuals must cultivate empathy, open-mindedness, and respect for diverse perspectives. Constructive dialogue and mutual understanding are essential for bridging cultural divides and fostering a more inclusive online community. Platforms and communities should also implement measures to combat online harassment, including clear guidelines, moderation, and support for victims. By addressing the root causes of harassment and fostering a culture of respect and understanding, we can create a safer and more welcoming online environment for all.

it's crucial for individuals to cultivate empathy, open-mindedness, and respect for diverse perspectives. Constructive dialogue and mutual understanding can help bridge cultural divides and foster a more inclusive and respectful online community. Additionally, platforms and communities should implement measures to combat online harassment and promote civil discourse.

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