Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Summoning the Moon goddess in myths

 Summoning the Moon goddess in myths

"Halia" was a ritual performed during the full moon. Tribespeople would exit their homes, gather in the streets, and create a cacophony of noise to deter the serpent Bakunawa from devouring the moon. The ceremony also aimed to dispel malevolent spirits.

The ancient ritual of Halya, once a simple celebration of the full moon, gradually transformed over time into a mythical summoning of the goddess of the Moon, known as Haliya. As stories and myths evolve through generations, the Halya ritual took on deeper spiritual significance, incorporating elements of divine intervention and protection.

Originally, the festival of Halya was marked by extravagant festivities, characterized by the thunderous noise of drums, tambourines, and hollowed-out logs. The purpose of the celebration was to honor the full moon and ward off the threat of the Baconaná (Bakunawa), a feared creature believed to devour the moon, plunging the world into darkness. The disappearance of the moon during eclipses reinforced this belief, as the people interpreted it as evidence of the Baconaná's influence.

As the ritual evolved, so too did the mythology surrounding it. Over time, the people began to personify the protective forces of the moon, giving rise to the concept of Haliya, the goddess of the Moon. Haliya became a symbol of strength and defense, defending the male lunar deity Bulan from the threat of the Bacunawa

In the revised narrative, participants in the Halya ritual not only celebrated the beauty of the full moon but also invoked the protective powers of Haliya to safeguard their world from darkness and disaster. The ritual took on a deeper spiritual significance, as participants believed they were actively engaging with divine forces to ensure the prosperity and well-being of their community.

The culmination of the ritual was marked by feasting and revelry, as participants indulged in tuba and enjoyed the bounty of the land. However, underlying the festivities was a sense of reverence and awe for the mythical beings they invoked and the cosmic forces they sought to appease.

Thus, the ancient ritual of Halya transformed into a mythical summoning of Haliya, the goddess of the Moon, as the people's beliefs and traditions evolved over time.

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