Long ago there was a rich land called Ibalon, where the people venerated their gods and in return was bountiful catch and harvest and fine weather. One of the colonies ruled by Datu Makusog(his name means strong) and his wife Diwani, the had two daughters named Malinao and Masaraga. Later Diwani became pregnant with her youngest daughter which they named Magayon.
The three grew up to be the loveliest maidens in all of Ibalon, specially Magayon.
The king and queen knew their daughters were special not just of noble birth but somehow they were connected to the divine. Their eldest Masaraga was of short stature and was a brown beauty, she was strong willed and industrious and prayed to the gods often. Everyone believed she was favoured by Gugurang. She wanted to learn the knowledge and secrets of the gods so Ibalon could prosper more. Malinao is lithe and soft spoken is of a different beauty and character she is very light of skin and was forbidden to go out of their abode, and when she does come out is veiled and is carried in a palanquin. Datu Makusog and Dayang Diwani believed by doing so they will gain the favour of the lunar gods. Youngest and most beautiful was Magayon Beautiful but proud and moody, some say she was blessed with having golden-copper skin and copper colored hair. She was stubborn and knows she is of noble birth therefor above others. Because of her ill manners Magayon did not have friends, and she tought she did not need friends, Since she is contented, her friends were the birds. She could talk to the small birds and they would follow her around and sing to her.
the birds the surround Magayaon |

The three sisters being the loveliest maidens were chosen dance for their whole colony the rituals of ''atang'' but Magayon being stubborn refuses, but is later convinced by her eldest sister Masaraga.
Masaraga was favoured by the gods for her deeds and her plans for Ibalon, but it was also the thing that would lead to her demise and her sister Malinao's demise. Favored by Gugurang she had learned the secrets of herbs and potions and practical healing. But this angered Oryol who was the daughter of the deity Asuang. Oryol sang and her lovely voice called the Banog. The Banog was winged monster half-man and half-bird. Oryol commanded the Banog to fly and kill Masaraga for she had learned the secrets of the gods. And so the Banog did as commanded and went to where Masaraga was and scooped her and flew high. When they were high enough the Banog dropped Masaraga.
Oryol thinking that Masaraga had told the secrets of the gods to her sister Malinao also plotted to kill her. Masaraga was a maiden who rarely leaves their abode, and when she does she is always carried in a hammock or a basket by their slaves. She was well kept for because she is much favored by the god of the sea Magindang. For her light skin reminds the sea god of Bulan, the god of the moon. ever since Malinao was born their had always been a bountiful catch from sea, and when Malinao is sad their fisher men could not catch fish. Oryol had to think of how to kill Malinao. She transformed herself into a appearance of Masaraga. Masaraga(who was Oryol in disguise) tricked Malinao into coming with her to the shallow waters. She carried Malinao on her back, Oryol sang and her beautiful voice called the vicious Magindara (mermaids) She threw Malinao to the water and the vicious mermaids did the rest.
So lastly Oryol had to deal with the proud Daragang Magayon. Magayon had many suitors. Among her many suitors were nobles, and one of them was Datu Pagtuga(Eruption) of the Iraga. Datu Pagtuga brought with him many baskets filled pearls dived from the deep sea, and as many gold as his servants could carry, he thought that he could win over Magayon's heart with riches. But Magayon was proud of her beauty and of her status, she rejected Datu Pagtuga and her other suitors. One day a young noble and his men arrived in Datu Makusog's territory. It was Gino(prince) Panganoron or as his men called him Gino Ulap (Ginoong Ulap/Prince Cloud) to seek a bride. Ulap has heard of the beauty of Daragang Magayon and has come a long way just to see her. Panganoron had light skin and the people said that it is because his mother was of the wind people (tawong lipod)
some say his mother was a mermaid. So Gino Panganoron was captivated by Magayon's beauty, Panganoron was patient with Magayon. One day Magayon went to the river called Yawa. Oryol was waiting for Magayon, She used her voice to charm Magayon into going to the river and had made sure that the stones were slippery, Oryol also had mermaids there to drown Magayon once she fell on the river. So as planned Magayon came and and slipped into the river where she almost drowned if not Ulap(Panganoron) who saves Magayon
He carried her home, When they arrived he threw his spear in front of Magayon's abode proclaiming he wants to marry her. The proud Magayon now humbled accepts the proposal, grateful that the noble Ulap saved his remaining daughter Datu Makusog agrees to the wedding. Ulap must return to his land for the preparation of their wedding, and also to bring treasures from his land as a gift to his soon to be bride.
Oryol angered that her plan to kill Magayon failed thought of another plan. She sang, her beautiful voice implanted evil thoughts on Datu Pagtuga's head.
When Datu Makusog was hunting Datu pagtuga and his men abducted him
He threatened Magayon telling her he will kill his father and wage war if she refuse to marry him.
Against her will and her heart she agrees.
Ulap heard of the horrible news and he wasted no time returning to Rawis On their wedding day
Ulap and his men arrived and rained arrows over Pagtuga and his men. A great battle instead of a wedding feast took place. Ulap was able to defeat Pagtuga
Magayon jubilant runs over to her beloved but as she was about to hold him, an arrow struck her from behind. Ulap shocked by this let his guard down which Linog (Pagtuga's most loyal warrior) saw as his chance, he struck Ulap using a spear Datu Makusog killed the man who struck Ulap using his bolo(large single-edged knife).They buried the two young lovers together
The gods had saw what had happened to the three sisters, In remembrance to the ground where Masaraga fell to her death Mount Masaraga appeared, and in the place where Malinao drowned Mount Malinao appeared. Lastly where Magayon and Panganoron were buried Mount Magayon now called mount Mayon is now located.
People believe that when clouds cover the top of Mayon volcano, it signifies that Ulap is kissing Magayon

There was once a beautiful maiden named Daragang Magayon. She was the daughter of Datu Makusog and Dawani of Rawis, a tribe in a land near the sea. Her beauty was known throughout Bikol and she had many suitors. But none was so powerful, persistent and rich as Pagtuga, a chieftain from Iriga, who showered her with gifts of golden trinkets and fine woven clothes. Datu Makusog would accept the gifts for fear of displeasing the ill-tempered Pagtuga. But Magayon would not touch the gifts, because she hated Pagtuga’s abrasive and impulsive mood.
A stranger named Panganoron from the lake-town of Caliraya accidentally passed by Rawis and saw Magayon and was captivated by her beauty. He instantly fell in love with her and secretly followed her everywhere. One day, while bathing in the river Magayon was caught in an undercurrent and nearly drowned. Panganoron, who was born near a lake and whose mother was thought to be a mermaid, saved her. In no time, they fell in love with each other. Consistent with the tradition of the time, Panganoron visited Magayon’s home and planted a spear on the ground fronting her window, signifying his intention to marry her.
Pagtuga was furious when he learned of this. He called Linog, his henchman, who was a creature so large that the ground he plodded on would shake. With the help of Linog, Pagtuga captured Datu Makusog, and imprisoned him in a cave near Lake Buhi. Then thru Linog he sent word to Magayon that unless the beautiful maiden marries him, she will never see her father again.
When Panganoron learned about the abduction of Makusog, he promised Magayon that he will save her father, but for the meantime he will go back to Caliraya and fetch his warriors.
Linog pressed Magayon to decide before the full moon lest her father would die. Magayon found no other way of saving the life of his father but to agree to marry Pagtuga. The marriage was arranged. On their wedding day, Datu Makusog was released and was to attend the ceremony.
Before the wedding ceremony was over, Panganoron and his warriors arrived and a battle with Pagtuga and his men ensued. Panganoron was able to slay Pagtuga. On seeing her triumphant lover, Magayon rushed to Panganoron and they embraced. However Linog saw this, and he swiftly hurled his powerful spear that pierced the bodies of the lovers. They both fell dead. Linog was eventually killed by Datu Makusog.
Panganoron and Magayon were burried in one grave. As time passed, the mound on the grave grew higher and higher until it became a majestic mountain. The people called it Mount Magayon, which was later shortened to Mayon. Most of the day, Panganoron, in the form of clouds would cover and protect Mayon.
In the verdant lands of Bicol, where mist-clad mountains rise and rivers weave their serpentine paths, there lived a maiden of unparalleled beauty named Daragang Magayon. Her radiance, like a beacon, drew admirers from far and wide, yet none could capture her heart.
Daragang Magayon was the cherished daughter of Datu Makusog, the revered Strong Chief of Rawis, and Dawani, whose name evoked the vibrant hues of the rainbow. Suitors, adorned with riches and titles, vied for her hand, but her heart remained untouched, yearning for a love that transcended mere material wealth.
Amidst the lush embrace of nature, fate intervened in the form of a mysterious stranger from Kaliraya, known as Panganoron, or Ulap, whose presence was as ethereal as the clouds that caressed the skies. While bathing in the crystalline waters of a river, Daragang Magayon found herself ensnared by the currents, only to be rescued by the enigmatic Panganoron. In that fleeting moment, amidst the whispering leaves and murmuring waters, love blossomed like the delicate petals of a rare flower.
In accordance with tradition, Panganoron planted a spear before the dwelling of Daragang Magayon, a symbol of his earnest desire to wed her. Acceptance came swiftly from Datu Makusog and his daughter, setting ablaze the flames of joy and anticipation throughout the land. However, the flames of joy soon turned to embers of despair when tragedy struck.
While hunting in the verdant depths of the forest, Datu Makusog fell prey to the treacherous machinations of Pagtuga, the vengeful chieftain from Iriga. Held captive by Pagtuga, the life of the beloved chief hung in the balance, his fate tethered to the whims of an unforgiving tyrant.
With her father's life in peril, Daragang Magayon faced an impossible choice: sacrifice her own happiness to save her father, or defy the dictates of her heart. Swallowing her anguish, she consented to marry Pagtuga, knowing that her decision would seal her fate with the bitter taste of sorrow.
As the day of the ill-fated union dawned, Panganoron and his valiant warriors descended upon the village, a tempest of defiance raging in their hearts. In the midst of battle, blades clashed, and destinies intertwined in a dance of valor and tragedy.
With a stroke of his blade, Panganoron vanquished Pagtuga, but not before facing the wrath of Linog, the emissary of thunder, whose spear found its mark in the hearts of lovers bound by an unbreakable bond. In a final act of love and sacrifice, Panganoron and Daragang Magayon embraced in death, their spirits forever intertwined in an eternal embrace.
Upon the blood-soaked earth, a mound rose, growing taller with each passing year, until it stood as a testament to the enduring legacy of love and sacrifice. Thus, the majestic Mount Mayon was born, its towering silhouette shrouded by the protective veil of Panganoron's cloud form.
But within the bosom of Mayon, echoes of thunder and fiery eruptions remind the people of Bicol of the tragic tale that birthed their beloved mountain. And yet, amidst the tumultuous skies, Daragang Magayon remains a beacon of virtue and love, her spirit immortalized in the hearts of all who revere her.
Kaitong panahon igwang magayonon na daragang apod Daragang Magayon. Aki siya ni Datu Makusog asin ni Dawani kan tribu sa Rawis, na harani sa dagat. Bantog sa Bikol and saiyang kagayonan, kaya dakol na buot mag-agom saiya. An pinakama-igot asin pinakamayaman si Pagtuga, an pamayo sa Iriga, na nagdadara saiya ki mga bulawan na gamit asin magagayon na bado. Ako man gabos ni Datu Makusog ta habo niyang madagit si Pagtuga, na mainiton an payo. Alagad habo ni Magayon ki Pagtuga ta di niya uyon an ugali na abaw-abaw.
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Dalagang Magayon |
Napaagi sa Rawis si Panganoron na taga-Kaliraya asin kan nahiling niya si Magayon, tulos siyang namuot sa daraga. Sinundan niya si Magayon dawa magsain. Sarong aldaw kan nagkarigos sa salog si Magayon dinara kan sulog dangan malalamos. Tulos siyang nailigtas ni Panganoron, na matibay maglangoy mala namundag sa danaw asin sabi aki kan magindara. Dai naghaloy, nagkaminuotan sinda. Bilang pagsunod sa kaugalian, nagduman si Panganoron sa harong ni Magayon dangan itinusok niya su garud sa daga bilang pahiling na buot niyang mag-agom sa daraga.
Dagit si Pagtuga kan naaraman an ginibo ni Panganoron. Tulos niyang pinaapod si Linog, an dakulaon niyang tauhan, na pag naglakaw minahiro an daga. Sa tabang ni Linog, dinakop ninda si Datu Makusog dangan itinago sa lungib harani sa Danaw Buhi. Dangan sinugo si Linog na sabihon kay Magayon na magpaagom saiya kun buot pang mahiling na buhay an ama.
Kan naaraman ni Panganoron an nangyari, nangako siya na ililigtas si Datu Makusog, alagad mauli siya sa Kaliraya tanganing magkua ki mga kasurog.
Sinabi ni Linog na dapat bago magbilog an bulan maaraman na kun uyon o dai si Magayon na magpaagom kay Pagtuga. Napiritan mag-uyon si Magayon tanganing mailigtas su buhay kan ama. Ipinataan su aldaw kan pag-agom. Sa taan na aldaw, nakabalik si Datu Makusog.
Bago natapos su panunumpa sa pag-agom, nag-abot si Panganoron kaibahan su mga kasurog. Matindi su labanan. Nagadan ni Panganoron si Pagtuga. Kan nahiling su namomotan, duminalagan, kuminugos si Magayon ki Panganoron. Alagad nahiling sinda ni Linog dangan sabay sindang tinuhog kan dakulang garud. Pagbagsak, sabay na gadan su nagkaminootan. Ipinagadan man tulos ni Datu Makusog si Linog.
Saro an linubungan ki Panganoron asin Magayon. Sa pagagi kan panahon, nagparahalangkaw su linubungan sagkod nagin magayonon na bulod. Inapod ini kan mga tawo na Bulod Mayong—na pinahalipot na Magayon. Kadaklan na aldaw napapandungan ni Panganoron si Mayong.
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Dalagang Magayon |
Noong unang panahon ay may magandang dalagang ang tawag ay Daragang Magayon. Anak siya ni Datu Makusog at ni Dawani ng tribu sa Rawis, na malapit sa dagat. Bantog sa Bikol ang kanyang kagandahan, kaya maraming ibig mag-asawa sa kanya. Ang pinakamasigasig at pinakamayaman ay si Pagtuga, ang pinuno ng Iriga, na nagdadala sa kanya ng mga gintong gamit at magagarang damit. Tanggap din lahat ni Datu Makusog dahil ayaw niyang magalit si Pagtuga, na mainitin ang ulo. Subalit ayaw ni Magayon kay Pagtuga dahil ayaw niya sa pagkamayabang nito.
Nagawi sa Rawis si Panganoron na taga-Kaliraya at nang nakita niya si Magayon ay agad siyang umibig sa dalaga. Lihim niyang sinundan si Magayon kahit saan pumunta. Isang araw habang naliligo si Magayon ay tinangay siya ng agos at malulunod. Agad siyang nailigtas ni Panganoron, na bihasang lumangoy palibhasa ipinanganak sa lawa at sabi ay anak ng isang serena. Hindi nagtagal ay nagmahalan ang dalawa. Bilang pagsunod sa kaugalian, dumalaw si Panganoron sa bahay ni Magayon at itinusok niya sa lupa ang sibat bilang pakita na ibig niyang mapangasawa ang dalaga.
Nagalit si Pagtuga nang malaman ang dinawa ni Panganoron. Agad niyang ipinatawag si Linog, ang higanteng tauhan, na pag naglalakad ay gumagalaw ang lupa. Sa tulong ni Linog ay hinuli nila si Datu Makusog at itinago sa yungib na malapit sa Lawa ng Buhi. Pagkatapos ay sinugo si Linog na sabihin kay Magayon na sa kanya pakasal kung ibig pang makitang buhay ang ama.
Nang malaman ni Panganoron ang nangyari ay nangako siyang ililigtas si Datu Makusog, ngunit uuwi muna siya sa Kaliraya upang sunduin ang kanyang mga tauhan.
Sinabi ni Linog na dapat bago magbilog ang buwan malaman na kung payag o hindi si Magayon na pakasal kay Pagtuga. Napilitang pumayag si Magayon upang mailigtas ang buhay ng ama. Itinakda ang araw ng kasal. Sa takdang araw ay nakabalik si Datu Makusog.
Bago natapos ang panunumpa sa kasal ay dumating si Panganoron kasama ang mga tauhan. Matindi ang labanan. Napatay ni Panganoron si Pagtuga. Nang makita ang minamahal ay tumakbo at yumakap si Magayon kay Panganoron. Subalit nakita sila ni Linog kaya sabay silang tinuhog ng malaking sibat nito. Pagbagsak ay sabay namatay ang magkasintahan. Ipinapatay din ni Datu Makusog si Linog.
Isa ang pinaglibingan kay Panganoron at Magayon. Sa paglipas ng panahon ay tumubo at naging matayog ang puntod na libingan nila hanggang maging isang napakagandang bundok. Tinawag nila itong Bundok Mayon—pinaikling Magayon. Kadalasang araw ay nakukulapulan ni Panganoron si Mayon.
The orally transmitted mythology of the Philippines is intended for sharing and understanding, not for appropriation, commercial exploitation, or the promotion of foreigners and foreign products. It is a dynamic narrative tradition that evolves over time, distinct from the standardized mythologies found in Western and European cultures. Unlike these established mythologies, the Philippine government has not mandated standardized versions of stories and legends.
Orally transmitted stories undergo variations and evolve over time, resulting in numerous different versions. There are many different version told by Filipinos,and retold by Filipinos.
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